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Mythbusters and the Cylinder that becomes a Rocket

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Safety & On-Site Safety Training


Middlesex Gases is committed to safety. Besides our highly rated safety training sessions, we work closely with leading safety suppliers in providing the best equipment and solutions. Of course, we offer face shields, gloves, safety glasses, welding jackets and additional supplies. We also work with RKI in providing confined space meters and oxygen alarms.

Safety is #1. We are here to help you resolve any safety issues at your location. Call us today at (800) 649-6704 or fill out the form below to have one of our Safety Experts meet with you.

Train Your Personnel

Middlesex Gases & Technologies stays current on the regulations that cover welding applications. Whether it is state or federal, Middlesex Gases & Technologies can help train your people for their safety and compliance.

NFPA & OSHA requirements change. The recently implemented CR(VI) [hexavalent chromium] regs are being enforced now. We can help you comply. Not only does this maintain a safer environment, but it can spare you from fines.

Safety Training

These courses are generally about one hour. We customize these training sessions for you with additional topics. Here are the parts usually included:

Welding Productivity/Safety Audit (56 KB)

Request For Safety Training

For a quote, please fill in the form below with your contact information, time frame, and a summary of your needs.
Fields marked with * are required.

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City :   State :
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Email* :   Phone :
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Needs :